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I still have a power over my life and I will use it!

Updated: Oct 7

Beautiful self empowered Black woman.
I still have the power. I always had the power.

Of course, I could sit there and just wait for things in my life to sort themselves out...

Of course, I could decide that nothing I do will change anything to the situation I'm in, at the moment...

Of course, I could continue to grumble alone in my corner, and accuse the whole world of everything that is wrong in my life...


Or I can decide that I still have the power to make life changing decisions!

Because I know that I am always a decision away from the change I want to bring into my existence.

I know that I can decide to plan specific actions to initiate this change that I want so much in my life.

And I also know for a fact that anarchy brings only chaos, all that if I do not list the actions I have to take, I take the risk of being distracted or lost, or even going the wrong way.

Beautiful Black woman planning her happiness and success.
Affirmation of the day: I decide. I plan. I act. I succeed.

Well, I'd rather take action for real and concretely. Definitely!

I might have lost track of the fact that life is a practical exercise. No one lives in theory! And those who have visited this country have often returned disappointed. (Life in Theory is very overrated... Lol.)

In order to see my dreams come true or my goals acchieved, I need to get very practical, don't I?

  1. Define a goal.

  2. Set up a plan.

  3. Take action!

  4. Tick boxes.

  5. Move forward.

Eventually, once I've done all that, then I'll realize that

The secret to my happiness and/or my success is to just decide, plan and act.

So, here is my positive and motivating affirmation for today:

I decide.

I plan.

I act.

I succeed.

And I'll repeat it every day to give myself the mental strength and power to initiate the change I want to create into my life. And you know what? I will even journal it! Yep, I'll write it over and over again in my Happiness Journal.

To decide, plan, act and succeed,

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