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The real secret to make your dream come true!

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

Includes your free downloadable MHT progress tracker.

Hello my Super,

How are you today?

I hope you manage to keep your positive energy level high enough.

If not, I hope this short text will help you and warm your heart a little.

Indeed, the news haven’t been very encouraging lately. They haven't been for a long time, actually, and it seems not to get any better.

As if this pandemic context wasn't heavy enough to live through, here we are now witnessing a French presidential campaign worthy of a playground in a kindergarten after a snack a little too sweet. (Lol)

Don't you think that some of our presidential candidates and their "fans" would need a little coaching in personal development?

I have the vague impression that some of them confuse self-confidence with oversized ego. (See Gérald Darmanin opposite Apolline de Malherbes on BFM TV [1])

Who wants to dedicate themselves to tell them that assertiveness is not overzealousness?

And I do not know where others will seek their inspiration, but the motivation to seek the veracity of their information and to develop serious and scientifically proven knowledge, seems drowned in their eagerness to reach the highest position of the state... and the salary and prestige that goes with it... (example Valérie Pécresse [2])

Strange examples for children, these ones!

Oh well, fortunately you and I are there for each other, to support each other morally, to encourage each other, and to move forward towards the happy and soothed dream life that we so ardently desire, despite anything.

In this regard, I had the opportunity to chat with a charming young Instagram follower the other day. She wasn't going strong, and I offered to give her a comforting phone call.

A simple phone call can bring so much to a person who feels less well than usual or who feels lonely. This is a very beautiful habit that we seem to have lost as we have developed the reflex to go to the social networks of the people we know, to know how they are doing.

Most will shine through. But the truth apparently is quite different. So, think about sending a note to a person you like from time to time, preferably off the grid, if you want them to tell you how they are really doing.

Like almost everyone I know, directly or indirectly, my young Instagram follower explains to me (among other things that I will keep between me and her) that she has a dream and that she keeps pushing it away, because she can't seem to be able to give it all the time she wishes she could.

What a pity! What a mistake!

Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. I deliberately hide the number of years I have actually done the same thing.

Did I said "years"? Oops... you can replace the word with "decades"...

The thing is that we tell ourselves - almost all of us do - that to change our lives, we must change EVERYTHING in our lives. That we have to stop what we are doing, usually quit your job, to devote yourself entirely to the preparation of your project.

But that's not true! This is completely false!

Isn't our life hard enough, already? Especially those past few years?

Yeah, huh!

So, it's absolutely not necessary to further upset your own existence to begin to realize your dream. On the other hand, you can definitely set up a transition period, during which you will live half and half, your past life and your future life.

This is the only, the true, the one secret to make that dream that you have cherished internally for so long, come true:

Start! Start and move forward! Start and work on it every day. Start small and think big! Start by giving yourself a daily appointment of 15, 30, 60 minutes... a day, and do that thing you love to do the most, and that you'd like to turn into a rewarding job one day. Start, do it!

How do you think a wall is built? Brick by brick!

Well as far as your dream is concerned, it is exactly the same thing.

So, start and move forward. Set up a plan, start. Follow the plan, move forward.

Now, in order to help you get started and move forward, I've created this progress tracker just for you. (Well, OK, I admit I will use it as well, now... hihihi...)

Whatever your dream, whatever your project, from the simplest and most basic to the most elaborate and complex, the method is the same: I repeat: 1. Start 2. Move forward.

All the additional details you need are in the attached document to download.

And I count on you to keep up to date with your progress as you go on. Use the Comment zone below for that.

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  • Also think about spreading it on your social networks. You would do me a great favor.

  • And if you encounter a difficulty in your life and wish to be accompanied in a more personalized way, contact me.

Take good care of yourself and of your thoughts,


Here is your positive affirmation for today: I attract positive and happy events.


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[1] - [2]


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